Wednesday, August 26, 2009

my 1st dwet..

when i 1st started, i really didn't know which product should i sell. i try to list several items, manage to sold only 2 items.
den, i stop for a while. keep thinking, why i cannot sell more. there's lagged bout 1-2 month before i started back.
this time, i just stumble into this "niche"- ebayer shud know. i start to list on auction all my items, and for a week, most of them were sold. Happy as i am, i still takut kot2 my bay account kne suspend, or my paypal account kne limited access sbb amount dwet yg msuk byk scra ttbe.
but, luckily xkena.
den I keep on listing, and listing..
so, duit masuk pun best je la...
no need to ask for pocket money from my parents. hehe..( dorang msti plik nape sy x mntk dwet dh).

moralnye: rajin2 la cri dwet sndri supaya xmnyusahkan parents tuk bg dwet blanja bila sbnrnye dwet blanje tu kamu wat g shopping bnda yg xpnting..

saya dh blajar mnghargai dwet sndri. mlas nk shopping dh. ble ade btul2 lbih bru shopping or g mne2 yg saya ske ( TRIBUTE TO LULU). n shopping dgn ati yg hepi sbb xyh pk, rse bsalah gne dwet mak ayh bg tuk wat blaja, hehe


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